The Power of belief — mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno

TED Talks
1 min readMay 15, 2023


  • Research shows that success is more than just hard work, focus, and persistence; it is also about having a growth mindset.
  • A growth mindset sees intelligence and abilities as qualities that can be developed, whereas a fixed mindset sees them as predetermined and unchangeable.
  • People with a growth mindset increase their grades over time, while those with a fixed mindset do not.
  • People with a growth mindset focus on learning and see effort as the way to grow, while those with a fixed mindset see effort as a bad thing.
  • A growth mindset helps people navigate setbacks and failures by seeing them as part of growth and finding a way around them.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The power of belief and mindset in achieving success.
  2. The difference between fixed and growth mindsets and how they impact behavior and results.
  3. The physiological manifestations of mindset on the brain.
  4. The importance of effort and persistence in achieving growth.
  5. The ability to change our own abilities and fulfill our potential.

Key Takeaways

  1. Success is not just a result of hard work, focus, and persistence, but also a growth mindset.
  2. Fixed mindsets limit our potential and hinder our ability to learn and grow.
  3. Growth mindsets see effort as a necessary and positive factor in achieving success.
  4. Setbacks and failures are part of the growth process and should be embraced and learned from.
  5. We have the power to change our own abilities and fulfill our potential.

